Thursday, June 27, 2013

Google Hangout's

San Francisco - June 26th

Google Hangout is a video conference call that can be uploaded directly to YouTube. This summer I will conduct 2 Google Hangouts each day, and my support team and I are working to schedule Hangouts on 6 continents. Google Hangout allows me to share the Support My School mission with people all around the world and this week we completed international calls in England and India. The calls have been very informative and interactive; however, sometimes there are a few technical difficulties. For instance, we have had various issues with internet connections, and at times the sounds quality has been less than excellent. I think of our international conference calls in the same way I think of my cycling journey. All in all incredibly valuable and worthwhile, but at times there can be unexpected shortcomings. I will inevitably get flat tires and reroute past detours during my ride, just as calls will get dropped and messages will be lost. Never the less, I will overcome these cycling and Hangout related challenges with planning, patience, and perseverance.

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